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Importing a WinMSS Match

Importing a WinMSS Match

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Importing a WinMSS Match

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To Import a Match into the Database:


1.Select Tools > Import > Restore WinMSS Match... from the WinMSS main window menu.  The WinMSS Import Match dialog box opens.
2.Enter the Import Folder location, where the WinMSS Match you would like to import is.  The button on the right side of the Import Folder text-box may be used to assist you in choosing a folder location (a.k.a.: a windows directory).
3.Confirm that the Match Name and Date are correct.  They should appear in the Match Identification area, if the Import Folder location contains valid set of WinMSS Match export files that were created using the Backup WinMSS Match feature.
4.Check the Update Personal Information check-box if want your members personal information to be included and/or updated (home address, telephone number, etc.).


If your WinMSS database already has one or more Matches with the same name and date, you will be asked if you want to replace all of them.  Answering YES to this question will cause WinMSS to delete all of the existing Matches that have the same name and date and import the WinMSS match found in your Import Folder location.


Note:  After you have successfully imported a Match into your WinMSS database, you should close WinMSS and compact your database.



Batch Files

Exporting a WinMSS Match