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Reporting Options

Reporting Options

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Reporting Options

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WinMSS Reporting is affected by three distinct reporting options:



What match do you want to report on?


To define what Match you are reporting on, you just select the appropriate Match Name from those that appear in the Match Name drop-down combo-box.  The Club name and Match Date are also displayed, to assist you in verifying that the correct Match has been selected.


Note: This setting is ignored for all Membership reporting.



Where do you want the report to be sent?


To define a report destination, just click on the radio-button that correspondes to your desired output device:


To Printer - If you print to the printer, the Windows Print Properties dialog box opens so you can choose your printer settings.


To Preview - If you print to Preview, the report is displayed in a window. You can decide if it contains the information you want. From this preview window click the Print button to send the report to the printer. Tip: You can change the report magnification by typing a number in the % field and pressing the Enter key.


To File - If you print to file, the Windows File Save dialog box opens so you can select the filename and location. You can save the file in one of the following formats: Portable Document Format File (*.pdf); Tagged Image Format File (*.tif); and, Text Document (*.txt).



What classification system do you want to report by?


To define what classification system is used in your reports, you just click on the appropriate radio-button:


Regional Classification - All reports will use the competitors ICS Regional Classification value, for the division in which they are competing.


World Classification - All reports will use the competitors ICS World Classification value, for the division in which they are competing.


User Defined Classification - All reports will use the competitors User Defined Classification value (obtained from the Membership Database), for the division in which they are competing.


Tip: You must update competitor classifications for the Match, otherwise your Match results will not report the correct classifications.  This should always done just prior to posting the intrim final Match results, just in case a competitor has changed divisions during the Match.


Note: Only competitors with a valid IPSC Alias will have an ICS Regional Classification and/or ICS World Classification.