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Entering Scores into WinMSS

Entering Scores into WinMSS

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Entering Scores into WinMSS

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You score a Match in the Rapid Scoring window.  WinMSS performs some data validation as you enter scores. For example, the total number of hits and misses must match the minimum rounds required (as defined on the Stage Administration window).


To simplify scoring on the range, you can print Score Sheets from WinMSS' Reporting window. See Setup Reports for more information.


To enter a competitor's score:

1.Open the Rapid Scoring window. You can do this in 1 of 2 ways:
i)Selecting Tools > Rapid Scoring on the main WinMSS menu.
ii)Clicking Scoring on the Match Administration toolbar.
2.Select the Match you are scoring from the Match field.
3.Enter the Stage number in the Stage field. As soon as you click another field, the Rapid Scoring window is updated with the Stage information.
4.Select the competitor you are scoring. You can do this in 1 of 2 ways:
i)Enter their competitor number in the Number field. The window is updated with the competitor's information when you click another field.
ii)Click the Name drop-down combo-box and select the competitor by name from the list.
5.Complete the other fields in the window. If you made an error, and want to begin scoring the competitor for the Stage again, click Reset.
6.Click Confirm. Once you confirm the score, you cannot use the Reset button.


To score the same competitor for another Stage, choose a new Stage number as described in step 3.

To score another competitor in the same Match, select them as described in step 4.